Authorize Data Fetcher and Airtable
To schedule runs, use triggers or webhook URLs, Data Fetcher needs to access your Airtable data when you do not have the extension open.
You will need to authorize (using OAuth) Data Fetcher and Airtable via the extension.
Previously, you saved your Airtable API key in your Data Fetcher workspace. Airtable will deprecate API keys in 2024 so we are switching to OAuth.
You only need to do this once, as Data Fetcher will securely store your details.
Authorize Data Fetcher and Airtable
Under Workspaces, click "Manage" next to the workspace you want.
Under Airtable OAuth Connection, click "Authorize".
On the modal that opens, click "I understand, let's Authorize".
A new tab/ window will open, prompting you to let Data Fetcher access Airtable.
Add the bases you want Data Fetcher to have access to.
Select 'All current and future bases in all current and future workspaces' to avoid any unauthorized issues in the future. Each Data Fetcher workspace has just one OAuth connection to Airtable. This needs to be authorised to access all the bases you want to run scheduled/trigger/webhook URL runs in.
Click "Grant access".
You will return to the Data Fetcher extension and see Connected.
Last updated