Chart types

Change the chart type

After adding a chart, you can select the chart type on the right-hand menu.

The following chart types are supported:

  • Bar chart

  • Line chart

  • Area chart

  • Pie chart

  • Donut chart

  • Scorecard chart

For all chart types, you need to select a table as the Data Source. You can also optionally select a view, which can be helpful when you want to filter the data.

The next steps depend on the chart type.

Bar, Line & Area charts

  • Select an X-axis field.

    • Optionally, select a Range for the axis values.

    • If the x-axis field is a date or date time field, you can select a Bucket by rule for the axis values.

  • Select one or more Y-axis series.

    • Optionally, select a Range for the axis values.

    • Optionally, turn on Aggregate values to calculate an aggregate function for each point on the series.

  • Choose whether to Sort the values by the X-axis, Y-Axis or the Data Source View. If the x-axis field is a date or date time field, this option is not available as the values are sorted chronologically.

Pie & Donut Charts

  • Select a Categories field. This will be the field that you want to use to categorize/split up the data. It's most likely a single select field in Airtable.

  • If you simply want a count of the records in each category, select 'Record count' for the Aggregate in the Values section.

  • If you want a more complex aggregate function, select a Field and an Aggregate function. E.g. the 'Max' value in the 'Cost' field for each category:

Scorecard charts

Scorecard charts show a summary number.

  • Select an Aggregate function to use. Select 'Record count' to get a count of the records in the table/view.

  • If you want a more complex aggregate function, select a Field as well an Aggregate function. E.g. the 'Max' value in the 'Cost' field for each category:

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